A perfect pronunciation is a need of language. Pronunciation is something that shows how well you know the language and your comfortability with that particular language. It differs from place to place and accent varies. If your pronunciation of the words is perfect you feel confident while speaking the language.

Learning English pronunciation is harder than learning the English language. Because the English language may contain some sounds which are completely absent in your native language. So, it makes it difficult as we have to learn a completely new sound which we are not using in our native language. It is said that "if you are willing to do something, you can do anything you want". It's difficult, BUT not impossible. Every problem has a solution. And this problem is having so many solutions. 

Improvement of English pronunciation has some steps that we will discuss. But practicing those steps is not an option, it is mandatory for fluency of language.
And it's sure that if you will practice, you will become excellent in English Pronunciation. And you will be able to speak the English language as your native language.

Firstly, it will be suggested that always start with the letter sounds from the basic zero levels. Try to follow the phonic groups which are quite helpful in improving the perfection of pronunciation of English words.

Phonic Groups like

s, a, t, p, i, n, c, k  (Group 1)
e, h, r, m, d, g, o 
u, l, f, b, z, ai 
j, oa, ie, ee, or, w
ng, v, oo, OO, y, x, ch, sh
th, Th, qu, ou 
oi, ew, er, ar

After completion of these phonic groups, try to cover the complex sounds.
And after that go for diphthongs, triphthongs, etc. 
Always try to make a difference between the short and long sounds, soft and hard sounds of letters.

Please go through this video, to know more about pronunciation.
Practice those words by playing the video again and again. Speak those words aloud, REMEMBER the more you speak the fast you will learn.

We are also providing video links. So that it can help you to initiate this essential step. Please click on the link provided below.  


There are four types of people in this world who learn new things in any of the four ways. That is L.S.R.W. The first one is LISTENING, some people learn new things by listening. The second way is SPEAKING, some people learn by speaking, the Third way is READING, a few of them learn by reading and the last is WRITING, some of them learn by writing. So, we will cover all four ways. 

The better you hear, the better you speak. Completely agreed with this sentence. As it's very important to listen to the correct pronunciation to practice and learn them. Everyone should develop the habit 
  of listening to learn any language.
For this, you can listen to Pronunciation Audios/Videos of the English language and try to speak like it or practice it. You can listen to English audios properly like music or speech anything. Listening to it, again and again, will help you in the improvement of your pronunciation.

This point is also very important because the movement of the mouth, lips, and tongue decides the pronunciation of the word. How your lips and tongue move affects how you pronounce. So, be careful and attentive while you are moving your mouth, lips, and tongue to speak any word. Here are some ways, 
  • You can observe in the MIRROR how your lips and mouth are moving while speaking any word and correct it.
  • You can put a finger on your lips, not remove your finger so that you can observe whether your lips pushing your finger or moving away. The way of movement can be checked by this method also.
  •  You can also observe other person's lips while they are talking in movies, shows, or in any video and try to copy them. Practice it.


Breaking the words into parts is also a good option if you are not able to speak the complete word with the correct pronunciation. Then break the word into parts like if you have to speak ENGLISH then break it as ENG-LISH. You should put a dot or a line to differentiate it, then it would be easy to speak correctly. One more example is COM-PU-TER. First, write it and then try to speak, it will make it very easy as well as interesting.


The English language is stressful. Stress giving is art for perfect pronunciation. Here, stress given on letters or words will decide the meaning of the word like if we say PRESENT. If we will give stress on preSENT then it means you are talking about the presentation of anything and if we will give stress on PRESent then the meaning will change and here, it means you are talking about a gift.
So, be careful about the stress to be given on letters for proper meaning with proper pronunciation.

It is also an essential step for making our work easy to speak and correct properly. When you listen to audio and if you are not able to speak exactly then write it, based on whatever you listen to. Not the spelling of a word but the sound or phonics of the word then practice it. Like JUNE will be written as JOON by sounds. Do the same for all the difficult words in which you are facing problems and practice again and again.

This step is very enjoyable but a bit tricky. It will solve problems of a similar sound word with little difference like S- and SH- words. Tongue twisters are those sentences in with similar sound words are used like SHE SELLS SEASHELLS BY THE SEASHORE. When you will repeat this sentence, you will face many problems but when you will do it calmly and you will complete it correctly then you will feel like yes! I did. So, practice it.


You can record your voice by speaking the words or sentences so that when you will listen to it you can find your mistakes and improve then again record them till you succeed. You can READ things loudly. And the most important SPEAK as much as possible. Speak with the people, take part in debates.



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