The verb is a word that describes the action, occurrence, and state of being of a noun an pronoun. Sound and Accent matter a lot.
Mainly, there are two types of verbs.

The main verb is considered as the important verb that generally shows the action and state of being. It can stand alone in the sentence.

The helping verb is used with the main verb to help it and to provide a complete meaning to the sentence.
Helping verb plays a vital role in the formation of sentences.

 Please go through this video, to know more about HELPING VERBS (DO, DOES, DID, AND DONE)

Practice these words and sentences by playing the video again and again. Speak those words aloud, REMEMBER the more you speak the fast you will learn.

We are also providing video links. So that it can help you to initiate this essential step. Please click on the link provided below. 

                                             LINK OF THE VIDEO    


The question is when to use Do, Does, Did, and Done.?

There are three uses of helping verbs in the formation of sentences.
1.Positive Sentence  ( When we say something positively)
2.Negative Sentence (When we use NOT in a sentence)
3.Question Sentence ( When we ask a question?)

  • It is used in a simple present.
  • It is used with a Personal pronoun and Plural nouns like I, WE, THEY, YOU.
  • It is also used to make positive sentences as well as negative sentences. It is also helpful in forming questions.
Positive Sentence
Let's do it.
I will do it.

Negative Sentences( Do not = Don't)
I don't remember that scene.
My clothes don't fit me.

Question Sentences
Do you need help?
Do you want to tell me about her?

  • It is used with third person singular pronoun and singular noun in simple present.
  • It is used with HE, SHE, IT.
Positive Sentence
She does my work.
He does his work nicely.

Negative Sentences (Does not = Doesn't)
She doesn't respect others.
It doesn't work.

Question Sentences
Does she tell you?
Does he cook food?

  • It is a simple past form of the verb  DO.
  • It is used in simple past tense with nouns and pronouns.
  • It usually occurs alone in the sentence.
  • It can be used with I, WE, YOU, THEY, HE, SHE, IT.
Positive Sentences
He did that in one minute.
I am glad that you did it.

Negative Sentences (Did not = Didn't)
I didn't mean to scare you.
I didn't realize when she came.

Question Sentences
Did you tell him about them?
Did he arrange the books?

  • It is used in perfect tense or in passive construction.
  • It is the Past participle form of the verb.
  • It is always accompanied by another verb.
Positive Sentences
I have done my work.
They have done everything.

Negative Sentences
It could not be done without a phone.
This should not be done to him.

Question Sentences
What have they done?
Have you done anything wrong?



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