Vowels are special. They are not letters but the sounds of letters. Mainly, there are 5 vowel sounds in the English alphabet. A, E, I, O, U. You can read it in. When we try to speak vowels, sounds, or airflow freely from our mouth. There is no blockage in the vocal track. We don't apply any type of pressure on lips or mouth. Vowels are having many sounds SHORT, LONG and sometimes letters are silent also. Some sounds are soft and some are hard which changes the meaning completely. It depends upon the quality or the length of the sound, we stretch it while speaking. Sometimes Y also acts as a vowel, when it appears in last. For example:- PLAY, SAY, STAY, PAY.

 Sounds of the vowel are of three types:

MONOPHTHONGS- Monophthong vowels are spoken by only one tone. There is no change or shift in the pronunciation of the sound. The shape of lips, mouth, and tongue remain unchanged. Mono means single. There is no change in the sound. For example:- In GREEN or in TEETH, When we speak EE, the voice or sound remains the same till the end, nothing changes. They are having only one sound.

DIPHTHONGS- Diphthongs vowels are having two different sounds, pronounced in one syllable. There is a glide or shift in the sound. There is the movement of lips and tongue while making sounds of diphthongs. Sometimes two adjacent vowel sounds are merged to make new sounds. When two vowels go for a walk, the first one talks. It means the sound of the first vowel is dominant. This rule does not apply to all but for some specific For example:- In PAIN, When we speak AI, the sound of vowel A is dominant same as in BOY, When we speak OY,  our tongue leaves its place to make new sound and sound of O vowel is dominant.
TRIPHTHONGS- Triphthongs vowel means when three vowel sounds get merged and generate new sounds and pronounced in a single syllable. There is a shift from the first vowel sound to the second vowel and then to the third vowel sound. The movement from one sound to another is very quick but very smooth. It is very important for fluency in the language.


When two vowels come together and develop a new sound. Here is some combination of vowels having 1, 2, or 3 sounds. Read aloud to practice.
of Vowel        
Number of 
Example 2 
 ai 1 Pain Rain
 ay 1 Play Stay
 ee 1 Teeth Green
 ey 1 MonkeyMoney 
 oa 1 Goat Boat
 oi 1 Avoid Foil
 oy 1 Boy Enjoy
 au 1AuthorLaundry
 ui 1FruitSuit
 ue 1  Glue Value
 oo 2 Look Spoon
 ou 2 Soup Shout
 ow 2 Snow Cow
 ie 2 Tie Cookie
 ei 2 Foreign Receive
 ea 3 Eat  , Bread Read

Short Vowel Sounds- When the sound of the vowel is having less quantity means the length of the sound is short. The timing of the vowel is short. It usually happens when the vowel is between two consonants.
 Those words are
 called CVC words.
 Here are
some examples 
like CAT in this
Vowel A is between two consonants A and T
  • LONG VOWEL SOUND-It applies to the vowel letters of the English Alphabet. That is letters A, E, I, O, U  In this quantity of time taken to speak the vowel is long means lengthy. The pronunciation of the vowel is the same as the letter. Like in CAKE.
  • There is a small story that anyone can tell kids or for the reminding purpose. 
  • Whenever letter E will be in the last or any vowel and then one consonant and in last letter E will be there. Letter E will give the power to the vowel behind any consonant that it will speak the name of the letter not the sound of the letter.

For example.

Sound of A
Cake                              Brake
Shake                            Bake
Make                             Take                              
Flame                            Blame
Sound of I

Bike                                  Five
Nine                                 Fine
Time                                 Hide
Like                                   Kite

Sound of O

Stone                                  Bone
Cone                                   Rode
Mode                                  Broke
Tone                                   Core

Sound of U

Cute                                   Huge
Mute                                  Flute
Cube                                  Tube
Fume                                 Clue

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