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There could be many reasons for your biggest problem. You have tried a lot by using different methods like learning vocabulary, a lot of grammar, listening to English music, etc. Bu t still you are not getting any results. Some reasons, I will mention on this page and also give solutions. So, you can differentiate your problem. And
 when you will find the problem, it's easy for you to find solutions.

Reason No.1- Local Consumption

If you are consuming your native language by watching movies, videos, and audio of your native language, then how's that possible to produce an International language? 
Whatever input you will give output will be the same as the input. 

SOLUTION- Stop consuming the local language, turn it to the English language then you can produce the English language easily. Because the thing you will get will depend upon whatever you gave.

Reason No.2- You are thinking too much about people.

This is a common one for all. You think a lot about people, What people will think and How they will react? What if I will say something wrong? If people make fun of you, then? 

SOLUTION- Learn to ignore people and practice sentence making like BABY- Baby drinks milk.
 MILK - Milk comes from the cow.
COW- Cow is a pet animal.
ANIMAL- There are many animals in the forest.
FOREST- Forest is green in color.
COLOR- There are 7 colors in the rainbow.
RAINBOW- Rainbow comes after the rain when the sun rises.

Here, you started with the baby and ended up on a rainbow. Might be possible others will make fun of you. Ignore and focus. You can't be perfect at once. Aim to success means not perfection.

Reason No.-3 You are not studying the language.

This is not anywhere written that only students have to study. Be a student always as you are having a lot to learn. And only this thought will change your life.

SOLUTION- Make a habit of learning or reading on daily basis like all activities we are doing daily.  Develop a habit of reading the English language at least for 30-60 minutes every day. Any time, morning, lunchtime, evening, etc. that is comfortable with you. When you start giving time, one day it will become your habit. 

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Reason No.4-You have not read any book other than textbooks.

You have never touched books other than the textbooks that you had in schools and colleges like Chemistry Biology, Math textbooks.

SOLUTION- You should include reading habits in your daily routine. Study materials should be available that can be used to be more productive like storybooks, novels, magazines, newspapers, etc.
Reviewing or revising the words or sentences that you have learned earlier, can prove to be very helpful.

Reason No.5- You are not applying what you learned.

You cannot expect English language fluency, which is a Second language. If you are using your native language all the time.
You did not grasp Why, When, How to use a new language.

SOLUTION-  Start using the English language in your real life, Start asking questions, and then you understand How? and Why?
You should interact with those who are having more knowledge than you, who are fluent. You can get many new words, sentences, intonations, etc from them.
Talk to people on phone calls in English.
Running man to goal image
Learning English is just like Dieting, Exercising, and Saving Money.
For this, you need Determination, Motivation, and Time.
The more you practice, spent time, the more you learn, the faster you will acquire this language to the next level of fluency.

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